Rotary eClub of Waneta Sunshine, alongside members from the Kootenay Native Plant Society and Trail Wildlife Association, joined together for a day of planting at Fort Shepherd. The Waneta Sunshine eClub was granted funds through an Express Grant from District 5080 to plant 50 shrubs which support pollinator opportunities at Fort Shepherd. Photos: Submitted

Kootenay conservation partners plant pollinator ‘superfoods’ at Fort Shepherd

TLC welcomes community groups to Fort Shepherd who would like to help local ecosystems thrive

Bees and other pollinators may be buzzing with more vigour at Fort Shepherd this summer after Rotary volunteers planted 50 pollinator-friendly shrubs earlier this month.

The Land Conservancy of BC (TLC) welcomed the Rotary eClub of Waneta Sunshine and partners in conservation from the Kootenay Native Plant Society and Trail Wildlife Association for a day of restoration at the Fort Shepherd Conservancy Area on Saturday, June 5.

“Fort Shepherd Conservancy is an area which has experienced loss of biodiversity and soil health from historic industrial pollution and degradation from off-road vehicle use,” explains Karen Iwachow, TLC’s environmental technician and land manager.

“Native pollinators are experiencing a decline in numbers because of loss of habitat and climate change,” she continued.

“They are essential components to our natural ecosystems. Many animals depend on insect pollinated fruit and seed including birds, bears, bats and humans.”

The group planted native Chokecherry, Saskatoon, and Nootka Rose, all “pollinator superfoods” that support a wide variety of pollinating insects including bumblebees, beetles and butterflies.

Native plants and pollinators have adapted to their local soils and climates, these relationships are important for conservation for each other.

Further, native plants are the best sources of nectar and pollen for their native pollinators.

“Fort Shepherd Conservancy Area is starting to see improvements thanks to these restoration efforts made by local community and conservation groups,” Iwachow said.

“The Land Conservancy of BC welcomes community groups to Fort Shepherd who would like to participate in helping their local ecosystems thrive.”

Fort Shepherd Conservancy Area is open to the public for hiking and horse riding on the main access road only from May 1 to Oct. 31.

Those interested in getting involved in restoration activities at Fort Shepherd can contact Karen Iwachow at 250.479.8053 or email

Read more: Fort Shepherd opens, conservancy studies underway

Read more: Teck closes its gate to Fort Shepherd

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About TLC:

The Land Conservancy of BC is a non-profit, charitable Land Trust working throughout British Columbia. TLC’s primary mandate is to benefit the community by protecting habitat for natural communities of plants and animals.

Founded in 1997, TLC is membership-based and governed by an elected, volunteer board of directors. TLC relies on a strong membership, donors, and its volunteer base to help maintain operations.

Trail Daily Times


Photo: Submitted

Photo: Submitted

Photo: Submitted

Photo: Submitted