Big Ranch property (Graham Osborne file)

Big Ranch property (Graham Osborne file)

Kootenay conservation properties closed due to fire risk

Cranbrook, BC— In the interest of public safety and maintaining conservation values on its properties, The Nature Trust of British Columbia has closed public access to all of its conservation properties located in the Rocky Mountain Forest District. This closure mirrors the Crown land access restriction that the Province has implemented.

  • Sep. 7, 2017 6:00 a.m.

Cranbrook, BC— In the interest of public safety and maintaining conservation values on its properties, The Nature Trust of British Columbia has closed public access to all of its conservation properties located in the Rocky Mountain Forest District. This closure mirrors the Crown land access restriction that the Province has implemented.

It became effective September 2 at 1 pm local time which coincided with the Province’s area restriction order. The Nature Trust is asking the public to please respect these closures and refrain from visiting our conservation areas until conditions improve.

The following Nature Trust property complexes are within the Rocky Mountain Forest District:

· Big Ranch

· Bull River

· Bummers Flats

· Columbia Lake Eastside

· Columbia Lake Westside

· Columbia River – Castledale

· Columbia River – RCMP Flats

· Columbia River Wetlands

· Gold Creek

· Hoodoos

· Sheep Mountain Ranch

· Silvertip Ranch

· Wasa Slough

· Wigwam Flats

· Wycliffe Wildlife Corridor

For more information, contact Kootenay Conservation Land Manager Chris Bosman at or call 250-489-8549 or The Nature Trust main office at or toll free at 1-866-288-7878.

The Nature Trust of British Columbia is dedicated to protecting BC’s natural diversity of plants and animals through the acquisition and management of critical habitats. Since 1971 The Nature Trust along with our partners has invested more than $95 million to secure over 71,000 hectares (175,000 acres) across the province.

Kimberley Daily Bulletin