An artist’s conception of the improvements to the ferry terminal at Kootenay Bay. Source: Province of B.C.

Kootenay Lake ferry improvements progress

Work advances at both terminals and on the development of the new vessel

  • Jan. 3, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The Kootenay Lake Ferry Service Improvements project is continuing to advance its work at both terminals and on the development of the new vessel, according to a news release from the province.

Terminal improvements

Work on the improvements to the Balfour and Kootenay Bay terminals is progressing, with designs nearing completion and construction expected to begin in the spring of 2021. In addition to the terminal capacity and intersection upgrades, planned improvements include upgrades to washroom facilities, new sheltered waiting areas, better safety signage, EV charging stations, and greenspace improvements.

Near final designs for both terminals can now be viewed online at

Preliminary road works

Preliminary work, including tree removal and utilities work, along Highway 31 near Balfour terminal and for the rerouted Upper Balfour Road – Busk Road intersection will begin as early as January, 2021.

Road and ferry users can expect to see crews at work by the Balfour terminal entrance beginning December or early January.

Health and safety measures continue to be in effect to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

New vessel

Design of the new electric-ready vessel continues to progress, with the vessel on course to enter service in early 2023. The new vessel will more than double the capacity of the MV Balfour, which it will replace.

Trail Daily Times