Aron Burke, Community Liaison for Kootenay Savings (right), and Lisa Pasin, Director of Development KBRH Health Foundation (right), recently came together – safely and socially distanced – to celebrate Kootenay Savings continued commitment to healthcare in the Kootenays.

Aron Burke, Community Liaison for Kootenay Savings (right), and Lisa Pasin, Director of Development KBRH Health Foundation (right), recently came together – safely and socially distanced – to celebrate Kootenay Savings continued commitment to healthcare in the Kootenays.

Kootenay Savings donates to East Kootenay Foundation for Health

With the importance at health care never more apparent than in the midst of a global pandemic, Kootenay Savings has stepped up and committed $20,000 to local healthcare, donating $10,000 to the East Kootenay Foundation for Health, and $10,000 to the KBRH Health Foundation's COVID-19 Greatest Need Fund. These much-needed funds will be used to secure priority medical equipment to enhance patient safety at KBRH during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond, as well as help fund healthcare programs and initiatives of greatest need in Kimberley Health Centre, says Brenna Baker, Executive Director, EKFH.

With the importance at health care never more apparent than in the midst of a global pandemic, Kootenay Savings has stepped up and committed $20,000 to local healthcare, donating $10,000 to the East Kootenay Foundation for Health, and $10,000 to the KBRH Health Foundation’s COVID-19 Greatest Need Fund. These much-needed funds will be used to secure priority medical equipment to enhance patient safety at KBRH during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond, as well as help fund healthcare programs and initiatives of greatest need in Kimberley Health Centre, says Brenna Baker, Executive Director, EKFH.

“Thank you to the team at Kootenay Savings for being a Champion for Health Care for our residents!”

Kimberley Bulletin