Current school board trustee Korky Neufeld has entered the Abbotsford council byelection. (Submitted)

Korky Neufeld enters Abbotsford byelection for council seat

Longtime school board trustee enters race, vote occurs on Sept. 25

Current Abbotsford School Board trustee Korky Neufeld has entered the Abbotsford city council byelection race.

Neufeld has served as a local trustee for over 11 years and has been a director with the B.C. Trustees Association for two terms. He’s also played a number of roles on local and provincial committees, as well as advisory bodies.

“There is no greater endeavour than positively investing in the community in which I work, live, and play,” he stated in a press release. “I want to ensure the next generation of residents enjoy this amazing community we call home. I have been honoured to serve this great community for the past 23 years and am looking forward to taking the experiences I have had in my past roles to Abbotsford city hall, to be a knowledgeable, passionate, and effective voice for Abbotsford residents.”

Neufeld is familiar with the administrative side of Abbotsford City Hall, owing to his current position as a construction manager for a local Abbotsford restoration company.

“I know building through hard work, through community relationships, through understand stages of growth,” he stated. “I know people and I am ready to roll up my sleeves and get to work in my future role as an Abbotsford City Councillor.”

Neufeld received the most votes in the 2018 Abbotsford school board election, earning a total of 12,388 checks on the ballots.

RELATED: VOTING DAY: Abbotsford votes no-change school board, deals blow to anti-SOGI

He added in his press release that he is concerned that Abbotsford is losing business opportunities to neighbouring communities due to increased development cost charges.

“Abbotsford needs development of business and Industry to off-set the residential tax burden already carried by our residence,” he said. “As we grow as a city that financial burden to home-owners will also grow. It is essential Abbotsford becomes business friendly or we will continue to lose economic opportunities to our neighbouring communities.”

For more information on Neufeld, visit

RELATED: Final list of candidates for Abbotsford byelection revealed

Abbotsford News