Krueger’s rude comment not endorsed

Vernon-Monashee MLA Eric Foster wishes a colleague had not used unflattering language to describe the opposition.

Vernon-Monashee MLA Eric Foster wishes a colleague had not used unflattering language to describe the opposition.

Kevin Krueger, a retiring Kamloops MLA, has come under fire for sending out an e-mail that refers to the B.C. Conservatives as “unmitigated morons,” “scum” and”idiots.”

“I don’t appreciate people using that kind of language,” said Foster.

“It’s not appropriate to talk that way.”

However, Foster would not say Krueger crossed the line.

“Kevin is Kevin and he gets fired up. He likes to support the (Liberal) team,” said Foster.

Krueger’s e-mail to the B.C. Conservatives blasted that party for wanting Jobs Minister Pat Bell suspended because of a complaint over Bell’s alleged handling of a government bidding process.

The e-mail read: “Attention B.C. Cons: Mr. Cummins, and everybody involved in this news release, are unmitigated morons to have published such crap as this. Pat Bell is beloved in Prince George, for good reason.  There is not one of you scum worthy to tie his shoes – nor tall enough. You have just blown whatever support you might have hoped to muster in Prince George, and many other places. What idiots you are.”

Scott Anderson, Vernon-Monashee B.C. Conservative candidate, is not impressed with the comments made by Krueger.

“Either Mr. Krueger has completely lost touch with propriety or the Liberals are getting desperate,” said Anderson.

“This kind of language is better suited to a playground bully than a member of the Legislature of British Columbia.”

Foster says Anderson is entitled to his position.

“It’s not the Liberals getting desperate,” said Foster.

“The Conservatives should be careful given some of the things they have said about people running for us.”

As for the allegations involving Bell, Foster says he is not aware of the details.

“It’s one of these he-said, she-saids. I don’t know what the conversation was between the minister and the individual making the complaint,” said Foster.



Vernon Morning Star