Kudos for ‘age-friendly’ Surrey

City honoured for supporting seniors.

Surrey has committed to age-friendly improvements in the community.

Surrey has committed to age-friendly improvements in the community.

Surrey is one of nine B.C. communities being honoured for helping seniors remain healthy and active.

To achieve the Age-friendly BC recognition, Surrey had to commit to age-friendly improvements in local government resolutions, establish advisory committees, conduct age-friendly assessments and develop and publish action plans – all with the feedback and involvement of local seniors.

White Rock, Sechelt, Revelstoke, Saanich, West Vancouver, Metchosin, Duncan and Esquimalt also received the recognition.

Each community will receive a $1,000 grant to create a legacy project or celebration.

The province’s Age-friendly BC program focuses on providing communities with support, information and recognition to help meet the needs of an aging population. Statistics show that nearly 1.5 million British Columbians – almost a quarter of the population – will be over 65.

Surrey Now Leader