The Rotary Club of Qualicum Beach Sunrise honoured Robin and Sylvia Campbell (right) recently for their contribution to the community. From left, Rotarians Allan Gannon and club president Debbie Martin-Cox presented Robin with a lapel pin and medallion and Sylvia with a bouquet of flowers.

The Rotary Club of Qualicum Beach Sunrise honoured Robin and Sylvia Campbell (right) recently for their contribution to the community. From left, Rotarians Allan Gannon and club president Debbie Martin-Cox presented Robin with a lapel pin and medallion and Sylvia with a bouquet of flowers.

Kudos to the caring Campbells

Rotary Club of Qualicum Beach honours the local couple

Robin and Sylvia Campbell founded the North Island Recovery Centre in Errington, Robin co-founded Manna Homeless Society, he was a volunteer chaplain at the Nanaimo Correctional facility for 17 years and he’s a member of the Oceanside Task Force on Homelessness.

These are just a few of the reasons why the couple was honoured by The Rotary Club of Qualicum Beach Sunrise recently, Robin with the Rotary Paul Harris Fellowship award and Sylvia with a large bouquet of flowers.

Campbell received a lapel pin and medallion and $1,000 will be donated to the Rotary Fund on his behalf.

Robin said he was humbled by the award and honoured to be with Rotarians whom he has the utmost respect for.

“Rotary has played a big part in my life,” he told the group at the award luncheon at Eaglecrest Golf Course.

Campbell said he was raised by a single mother in one of the poorest areas in Calgary. But it was Rotary who built the children in the area a park, and also started a Boys Club.

“Without the Boys Club I wouldn’t be the man I am today,” he said. He thanked Rotary for its many contributions to local programs and international work, including nearly eradicating polio worldwide by immunizing two billion children in 122 countries.

After the Campbells received their awards, the Rotary Club called Robin back up to accept a cheque to the Manna Homeless Society for $1,000.

Parksville Qualicum Beach News