Phil Klapwyk, who works in the film industry, is running as the New Democrat in Pitt Meadows-Maple Ridge. (Special to The News)

Labour leader throws hat in ring for NDP

Each candidate was invited to provide a brief biography and answers to five key election questions


Age: 53

Have you held office in past? If so, please specify: No

Bio: Phil Klapwyk is a community and labour leader in Pitt Meadows-Maple Ridge.

As a film industry professional and the elected business representative of IATSE Local 891, he represents more than 15,000 professional freelance artists and technicians in the film industry.

Phil has deep roots in Maple Ridge with wife, daughter, and granddaughter all born at Ridge Meadows Hospital.

A former small business owner, Phil is respected across North America for his collaborative approach to fostering business relationships.

Through his work in the film industry, Phil has championed environmental issues, reconciliation, equity, and diversity programs.






Telephone: 604-337-2631



Each candidate for the Sept. 20, 2021 federal election has been provided with these five (5) questions, along with the following instructions.

To help voters make their choice on election day, The News is asking local candidates a series of questions on issues of importance.

Each question MUST be answered: yes (Y), no (N), or (D) Don’t Know. This is not meant to make things difficult. But reality is that if you’re in the House you’d have to vote yes, no, or abstain. The bonus is that each candidate can expand on ANY or ALL of our questions with answers of up to 200 words each that will appear online.

Please note, that due to space limitations, only one of your answers will be included in the print edition of The News on Sept. 16. You get to pick which one. So, you must CLEARLY indicate which expanded answer you want to see published in print. If you don’t specify, we will choose.

1. Would you support a federal vehicle tax based on CO2 emissions?

Name: “No.”

2. Does your party have a plan to fill the many staff vacancies in the RCMP?

Klapwyk: “No.”

3. Would you support the federal government cancelling the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion to fight climate change?

Klapwyk: “Yes.

This past summer, entire towns in British Columbia burnt to the ground while Justin Trudeau supported and protected the oil corporations that directly contribute to the global climate emergency we face.

On the one hand, Trudeau committed to being a global partner fighting climate change and building “a cleaner and more prosperous future for all,” and on the other hand spent $18 billion – in 2020 alone – supporting Big Oil.

Either you believe in reducing the extraction, refining, usage, and exportation of fossil fuels, or you buy a pipeline to expand these things. Canada’s global climate goals and commitments do not align with being in the fossil fuel business.

I have signed the Stand.Earth pledge to do everything in my power, to cancel the Trans Mountain Pipeline extension.

As government, we have to have integrity and honesty in our choices, and we have to stand by our commitments.

Public monies are best spent investing in renewable energy infrastructure rather than subsidizing Big Oil.

New Democrats will stand by our G-20 commitment and eliminate fossil fuel subsidies and redirect these investments into low carbon initiatives.

We also will enact legislation to ban any future oil, gas, and pipeline subsidies.”

4. Should Ottawa provide cash incentives to parents for fully vaccinating children, including vaccination against COVID, flu, measles, etc.?

Name: “No.”

5. Given our inability to make vaccines at the start of the pandemic, should Ottawa double its investment in research, science, and tech startups?

Klapwyk: “Yes.”


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