Armstrong’s Pleasant Valley Secondary School hosted the regular monthly school district board meeting, but hardly anybody from the public turned out. (Photo submitted)

Armstrong’s Pleasant Valley Secondary School hosted the regular monthly school district board meeting, but hardly anybody from the public turned out. (Photo submitted)

Lack of public interest draws council concern

Members of Armstrong council express concerns over lack of public interest at school board meeting

A lack of public interest in what’s happening within the local school district has two members of Armstrong council concerned.

Mayor Chris Pieper and Coun. Shirley Fowler attended the monthly regular North Okanagan Shuswap School District board meeting which was held at Armstrong’s Pleasant Valley Secondary School.

“There was more (school district) staff than public,” said Pieper. “The school district is doing its due diligence to communicate with all regional governments and communities in the North Okanagan and Shuswap.”

Government appointed trustee Mike McKay has been holding meetings in Armstrong, Enderby, Sicamous and Salmon Arm.

“I appreciate the face there’s been improvement in communication than in the past,” said Fowler, who also pointed out that the public was quick to express their opinions over a possible closure of Armstrong Elementary School. “We all know there were crowds of people that had opinions of things when things were perhaps going sour.

“This is the time to be in communication (with the school district) and know what’s coming up.”

Added Pieper: “The big issue right now is how they’re going to set up elections (for trustees). Whether it’s nine people, or seven or five and who are they going to represent. “They’re going out looking for input.”

Structure changes

As he does every year the end of November, Pieper announced committee structure changes.

Count. Gary Froats was given a pass on heading up any committees last year, as he had been recently voted onto council via a by-election.

“Gary has had his interim year and I’ve made him the chair of the finance committee,” said Pieper. Outgoing chairperson Steven Drapala remains on the committee, as does Coun. Shirley Fowler, who takes over the community services committee and remains the city’s regional district representative.

Frost and Pieper have been appointed as the city’s reps to the Armstrong Spallumcheen Fire Services Commission with Pieper replacing Coun. Paul Britton, who still heads up the city’s planning and development committee.

Count. Lance McGregor remains the head of the public works committee.

All other appointments stay the same.

Training centre share supported

Armstrong council has given approval to the inter municipal fire training centre’s 2018 budget.

Cost allocation is based on the revised hospital assessment roll each year.

“The 2018 requisition is $3,965 which is up slightly from last year at $3,760,” said Coun. Steven Drapala, chairperson of the city’s finance committee. “These amounts represent the cost base. Training costs are incremental to the base amount.”

Vernon Morning Star