Ladysmith’s Municipal Services Committee reviewed Grant in Aid requests at its meeting on Monday, Mar. 12. (File Photo)

Ladysmith’s Municipal Services Committee reviewed Grant in Aid requests at its meeting on Monday, Mar. 12. (File Photo)

Ladysmith committee makes tough decisions in approving $57K in Grants in Aid

Ladysmith's Municipal Services Committee was handed the tough task on Monday night of cutting $120,300 in Grant in Aid requests from community groups and organizations down to the budgeted $58,750.

Ladysmith’s Municipal Services Committee was handed the tough task on Monday night of cutting $120,300 in Grant in Aid requests from community groups and organizations down to the budgeted $58,750.

Only a few of the groups received exactly what they had requested from the town for this year and several others were awarded the same total that they asked for in 2017.

In total, $57,550 has been divided among 28 requests, with a few coming from the same group, and $1,200 set aside as contingency.

A requirement to continue receiving funding is to submit a short report detailing how the money was used in the previous year.

The following list shows Grant in Aid requests approved Monday that are subject to final approval at the next council meeting:

Ladysmith Festival of Lights – $12,000 ($20,000 request)

Ladysmith Fire Rescue Santa Parade – $1,200 ($1,500 request)

Ladysmith Golf Club Society – $5,000 ($7,500 request)

Ladysmith Citizens on Patrol – $1,500 ($1,500 request)

Old English Car Club Central Island Branch – $250 ($500 request)

Ladysmith & District Historical Society – Industrial Heritage Preservation – $7,000 ($7,000 request)

Art Council of Ladysmith and District – Arts on the Avenue $1,500 ($5,000 request)

Ladysmith and District Marine Rescue Society – $2,500 ($3,000 request)

Art Council of Ladysmith and District Waterfront Gallery – $1,000 ($23,500 request)

Ladysmith Downtown Business Association (Grand Christmas) – $1,500 ($1,500 request)

Ladysmith Show and Shine – $500 ($2,000 request)

257 RCACS Parent Committee (Ladysmith Air Cadets) – Referred back to staff ($2,500 request)

Ladysmith Downtown Business Association (Old Time Christmas) – $1,500 ($5,000 request)

Ladysmith Ambassador Program – $1,500 ($2,500 request)

Ladysmith Fire Rescue – Community Haunted House – $0 ($1,300 request)

LaFF Mindfulness Matters program – $0 ($2,000 request)

LaFF – $2,500 ($8,000 request)

LaFF Food Security Program – $0 ($2,000 request)

Ladysmith Community Gardens Society – $650 ($1,000 request)

Ladysmith Celebration Society – $8,000 ($10,000 request)

Cowichan Family Caregivers Support Society – $750 ($1,000 request)

St. Phillips Anglican Church – Open table – $500 ($1,000 request)

Cowichan Social Planning Society – $0 ($3,000 request)

Ladysmith Maritime Society – $1,500 ($1,500 request)

Stz’uminus First Nation – $1,200 set aside for Aboriginal Day (no request)

Waiving Fees – $4,500 ($2,500 budgeted. New total includes trolley rental from Mid-Isle Soccer Club)

Mid-Isle Soccer Club – World Cup tournament trolley rental – Total moved to waiving fees ($2,500 request)

LSS – Frank Jameson Bursary – $1,500 ($1,500 request)

Ladysmith Chronicle