Paulette Browning (left) and Julie Theberge string lights on the trees along First Avenue in Ladysmith during  the Festival of Lights setup workparty Sunday, Nov. 3.  Tons of volunteers turned up to help string lights, set up rooftop decorations and prepare the town for Light Up, which takes place this year on Thursday, Nov. 28.

Paulette Browning (left) and Julie Theberge string lights on the trees along First Avenue in Ladysmith during the Festival of Lights setup workparty Sunday, Nov. 3. Tons of volunteers turned up to help string lights, set up rooftop decorations and prepare the town for Light Up, which takes place this year on Thursday, Nov. 28.

Ladysmith getting ready to Light Up

Tons of volunteers came out Nov. 3 to help string lights and put up decorations, as Ladysmith gets ready for Light Up Nov. 28.

Ladysmith Chronicle