Ladysmith Interact Club collecting food donations for those in need

Ladysmith Interact Club collecting food donations for those in need

On November 22nd and 23rd, Interact Club will be at the Ladysmith 49th Parallel Grocery collecting food and money donations for the local Food Bank and Resource Center from 3:30-6:30 PM. Please come by with your donations and help families in need in our community. Every donation helps!

On November 22nd and 23rd, Interact Club will be at the Ladysmith 49th Parallel Grocery collecting food and money donations for the local Food Bank and Resource Center from 3:30-6:30 PM. Please come by with your donations and help families in need in our community. Every donation helps!

Interact is a volunteer club created in 2016 at Ladysmith Secondary School and is a youth branch of the Rotary Club.

The focus of interact is helping our community in any way possible. Some of our past projects have included raising money for Disaster Aid Canada, ringing the kettle bell in Ladysmith, and the annual Hamper Drive for the local shelter.

We have also sent students to Rotary Youth Leadership Awards programs five times and our club is growing in size every year. This year, Interact is working with the Oyster Bay Seniors’ Residence, volunteering at Light Up, starting Coats for Folks at our school and planning a Soap for Hope Event in the new year.

We hope to see you on the 22nd and 23rd!

Ladysmith Chronicle