Ladysmith Legion lends its support

The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 171 presented $3,200 in gaming donations to eight community organizations last Thursday.

The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 171 presented $3,200 in gaming donations to eight community organizations last Thursday.  It’s a continuation of great community support, as the Ladysmith Legion presented $10,500 in gaming donations in 2011, as well as $3,000 in Poppy Bursaries for Ladysmith Secondary School and Cedar Community Secondary School students. Pictured here are Branch 171 First Vice-President Gary Phillips (far left) and President Roy Empey (far right) with: front from left, Jacquie Neligan of Ladysmith Family and Friends, Meghan Anderson of Royal Canadian Air Cadets 257 Parallel Squadron, Maggie McDonald of Cowichan Family Caregivers Support Society and Denise Rae of Ladysmith Chemainus Swim Club; and, back from left, Shirley and Dave Perry of Salvation Army Nanaimo, Jennifer Barnes van Elk of the Cowichan Therapeutic Riding Association, Hanna Coulson of the Errington Therapeutic Riding Association and Heather Owen of the Central Vancouver Island Crisis Society.

The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 171 presented $3,200 in gaming donations to eight community organizations last Thursday. It’s a continuation of great community support, as the Ladysmith Legion presented $10,500 in gaming donations in 2011, as well as $3,000 in Poppy Bursaries for Ladysmith Secondary School and Cedar Community Secondary School students. Pictured here are Branch 171 First Vice-President Gary Phillips (far left) and President Roy Empey (far right) with: front from left, Jacquie Neligan of Ladysmith Family and Friends, Meghan Anderson of Royal Canadian Air Cadets 257 Parallel Squadron, Maggie McDonald of Cowichan Family Caregivers Support Society and Denise Rae of Ladysmith Chemainus Swim Club; and, back from left, Shirley and Dave Perry of Salvation Army Nanaimo, Jennifer Barnes van Elk of the Cowichan Therapeutic Riding Association, Hanna Coulson of the Errington Therapeutic Riding Association and Heather Owen of the Central Vancouver Island Crisis Society.

Ladysmith Chronicle