Ladysmith Museum displaying war-related artifacts during Remembrance Week

Ladysmith Museum displaying war-related artifacts during Remembrance Week

The Ladysmith & District Historical Society, in partnership with the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #171, will host a temporary display at the Ladysmith Museum for Remembrance Week, Nov. 6-11, 2017.

The Ladysmith & District Historical Society, in partnership with the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #171, will host a temporary display at the Ladysmith Museum for Remembrance Week, Nov. 6-11, 2017.

Among the items to be displayed are a military uniform, photos, cards from the 1920s, correspondence from the Battle of the Atlantic and a Death Penny, given to James Barron’s next-of-kin.

The museum’s manager Lesley Moore said it’s an opportunity for local families to “lend and share their stories.”

Given that this year is the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge and a century since Armistice next year, there is a particular focus on The Great War.

“That’s one theme (WWI) and how do we recognize and appreciate veterans. That tended to be people keeping letters, or a badge or medal or uniform,” Moore said.

People are encouraged to lend artifacts to the museum by the end of Friday (Nov. 3).

“We’re hoping that it might help people remember and realize that their family played a part,” Moore said.

the museum will also be playing music from the wartime on Nov. 11 and be open 12-4 p.m. all week. For more info call 250-245-0423.

Ladysmith Chronicle