Ladysmith Police Briefs — Two homes hit in Watts area

Information provided by Ladysmith RCMP

There were a total of 74 calls for service over this period of time. To date, 2,954 incidents have been reported to the detachment (3,112 for the same period in 2010).


Tuesday, Sept. 6


A brown leather wallet was stolen from an unlocked vehicle in the 500 block of Rothdale Road.  The wallet contained a driver’s licence, CIBC Visa/Debit card and Mastercard, $50 cash. Also a Panasonic digital camera was stolen.


A break and enter at a rental property located in the 300 block of  High Street was reported. The culprit(s)  kicked in the front. Only items taken — two garbage cans that were left in the residence by the previous tenant. Approximately $50 damage to door jam.


A B&E was reported in the 400 block of Davis Road. Probable point of entry was an unlocked garage door. PS3, Wii, two digital cameras, and other items were taken.


Wednesday, Sept. 7


A culprit(s) “tagged” a door and a shop garage door overnight in the 400 block of Buller Street.


A house in the 11000 Watts Road had been broken into sometime in the last 24 hours. The homeowner found the windows open and the front door had been forced open. Items in the house had been rummaged through but nothing appears to have been stolen.


Someone broke into a second residence on North Watts Road. The front door of their residence was pried open and taken from the residence was a  Mac computer, $400 in change and an antique tobacco cutter.


The RCMP received a report that there was a male with a grey hoodie and plaid shorts walking on Davis Road. The male was wandering down the road intoxicated. Members attended and located a male who was intoxicated. He was arrested for breaching his condition of not to be outside his residence while under the influence of alcohol. He was transported to the detachment and lodged in cells until court appearance the following morning.


Thursday, Sept. 8


A theft was reported from the Four All Seasons Campground on Yellow Point Road. Someone pried the coin boxes at the showers on 2011-09-05 with an unknown tool. Total money stolen was no more than $10 in loonies.


A theft from a vehicle was reported in the 500 block of Hooper Place on Sept. 3. The  rubber seal around the door was jimmied and a signet ring and Oakley sunglasses were missing.


Saturday, Sept. 10


Mischief to a vehicle parked at the rear of the 900 block of First Avenue was reported. Someone had written “you b….” in the top of the hood and the trunk of the car.


Sunday, Sept. 11


The back window of a vehicle was smashed out while parked in the 400 block of First Avenue. A cement brick nearby the vehicle was suspected to have been used.


Someone busted through a gate in the 600 block of Alderwood. No vehicle description was obtained.  This gate is in the area where RV are parked and separates a roadway under the hydro lines.  It  appears the vehicle drove into the gate and forced it from its hinges.


Sometime over the winter, someone had switched a can of diesel for water. There were eight cans and one had been tampered with at the boat. A total of $900 damage had been done to the boat motor. The boat was at one of the local marinas.


A vehicle purchase was made via Paypal for a substantial amount of money. The money was wired to the UK and since then, the communication with the seller has broken down. The vehicle was being advertised last week in Auto Trader.


A couple visiting out of town were at a local business at the Coronation Mall. A black shoulder strap bag was left hanging on a chair.  The owner didn’t realize he had forgotten his bag until he arrived in Campbell River that day. The bag was subsequently turned in at the community station but $430 had been stolen.

Ladysmith Chronicle