Ladysmith residents Defend our Coast

About 40 people participated in a Defend our Coast rally in Ladysmith as part of a province-wide day of action.

About 40 people gathered outside MLA Doug Routley’s office on First Avenue to participate in a province-wide Defend Our Coast day of action Oct. 24. During the peaceful rally, many participants linked arms, which was meant to symbolize B.C. ‘s unbroken wall of opposition to the risks posed by tar sands pipelines and tankers. Rallies took place in 70 locations across the province, and participants were calling for a firm commitment from politicians to ban oil tanker expansion on B.C.’s coast.

About 40 people gathered outside MLA Doug Routley’s office on First Avenue to participate in a province-wide Defend Our Coast day of action Oct. 24. During the peaceful rally, many participants linked arms, which was meant to symbolize B.C. ‘s unbroken wall of opposition to the risks posed by tar sands pipelines and tankers. Rallies took place in 70 locations across the province, and participants were calling for a firm commitment from politicians to ban oil tanker expansion on B.C.’s coast.

Ladysmith Chronicle