Ladysmith schools receive $8,000 from Stock the Lockers

Ladysmith schools recently received the $8,000 raised through the Stock the Lockers campaign to support vulnerable students.

From left, Jon Ludtke, chef at Ladysmith Secondary; Parmjit Parmar, principal of Ladysmith Primary; Kim Needham, teacher at Ladysmith Intermediate and Erin van Steen, executive director of the Nanaimo-Ladysmith Schools Foundation, celebrate a successful Stock the Lockers campaign.

From left, Jon Ludtke, chef at Ladysmith Secondary; Parmjit Parmar, principal of Ladysmith Primary; Kim Needham, teacher at Ladysmith Intermediate and Erin van Steen, executive director of the Nanaimo-Ladysmith Schools Foundation, celebrate a successful Stock the Lockers campaign.

Schools in Ladysmith are receiving thousands of dollars to help support their students thanks to this summer’s Stock the Lockers campaign.

This August, the third annual Nanaimo-Ladysmith Schools Foundation (NLSF) Stock the Lockers campaign raised $54,000 for vulnerable students, and $8,000 was raised specifically in Ladysmith for Ladysmith students.

Last month, almost $12,000 was put into programs in local schools from the Stock the Lockers Campaign and the NLSF.

“We saw a real outpouring of generosity from the Ladysmith community during Stock the Lockers,” said Erin van Steen, executive director of the NLSF. “Ladysmith is a tight-knit community that has a growing number of vulnerable students who are struggling. Ladysmith recognizes the growing need and responded through fundraising for the students in their local schools.”

A large portion of the fundraising was co-ordinated by Ladysmith residents Mimi Zuyderduyn and Delana Sword, who volunteered their time to rally the community for donations. The NLSF is grateful for their energy and support.

The funds are being allocated to Ladysmith Secondary, Ladysmith Intermediate, Ladysmith Primary and École Davis Road Elementary schools for their Student Support Fund. The schools will utilize the monies to support vulnerable children in their school. Some of the areas of need include shoes, jackets, eyeglasses, swim program fees, soup and bun programs, breakfast and lunch programs, grad fees and school field trip fees.

The NLSF raises funds and works in partnership with teachers, administrators and counsellors in School District 68 to deliver support programs that better the lives of students in need. Supplies and programs that are not covered by the school board budget are supplemented through the Foundation.

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Ladysmith Chronicle