Ladysmith walks to help others on the Coldest Night of the Year

Community asked to step up for the local hungry and homeless

  • Feb. 21, 2019 12:00 a.m.
Ladysmith walks to help others on the Coldest Night of the Year

Gerry Beltgens Special to the Chronicle

Every community has people who are less fortunate.

The people who did not have the privileges that most of us are born with: a safe home, good schools, enough food, caring parents and safe extended family. Winter is an especially difficult time for people struggling for adequate shelter and food.

Ladysmith is no exception. That is why the Ladysmith Resources Centre Association encourages you to take a walk with them Saturday on the Coldest Night of the Year.

Scheduled for Feb. 23 starting at the Aggie Hall, the Coldest Night of the Year is an annual family-friendly walk that raises money for charities serving hungry, homeless, and hurting people in the community.

The LRCA, the Heart on the Hill, is committed to helping those in need and they will be walking on the Coldest Night of the Year to raise money for people in Ladysmith.

It has been a rough and cold year and registrations for the walk are down. The LRCA needs your help. You don’t need to personally go out on the walk. You can support others who are doing the walk.

People can donate or sign up online or can also donate at the event. People can also sign up to walk with the LRCA Travelers on their web site.

Schedule of events:

4 p.m. Registration Opens

5 p.m. Opening Ceremonies

5:15 p.m. Walk begins (all distances)

6 p.m. Meal service begins

6 p.m. Registration Closes

8 p.m. Route closes, meal service ends

Hot soup will be served starting at 6 p.m.

Ladysmith Chronicle