Brittany Ellen. (Priyanka Ketkar photo/Lakes District News)

LAFS hires maintenance worker for dog park

The Lakes Animal Friendship Society (LAFS) has recently hired a new Dog Park maintenance contractor to ensure a clean playing ground for the furry companions in Burns Lake.

  • Mar. 31, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The Lakes Animal Friendship Society (LAFS) has recently hired a new Dog Park maintenance contractor to ensure a clean playing ground for the furry companions in Burns Lake.

Brittany Card, who comes from Petrolia, a small town in Ontario moved to Burns Lake last Fall. She first started as a server at Tandoori Grill and Pub but a surgery she had to undergo in December left her with chronic pain, making it harder to commit to being on feet for an entire evening.

“The dog park position is rather low-energy, only requiring a few hours a week of work, and I’m here with my dog anyways throughout the week, so it accommodates my condition better,” she said.

Card, who recently added a small puppy, Nelly, to her family, wanted to give back to the community and to the LAFS for all the resources they provide for pet owners.

“I had already been volunteering my time cleaning the dog park so when I was told about the job, I jumped at the opportunity to help in a more official way,” she said.

As a dog park maintenance person for the MacEwen Dog Park, Card will be responsible for keeping the park clean, tidy, and organized for all the furry patrons. Right now, as the snow melts, Card’s work has been about picking up frozen poop that’s been long buried.

“It also means cleaning up garbage, making sure the garbages and compost bins are kept tidy, and keeping the baggies stocked. I hope to take on even more responsibilities with LAFS in future weeks as it warms up!” said Card.

While Card works thrice a week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, for an hour each time, with the melting snow, she has been finding herself busy cleaning the park even on the days that she is supposed to be taking a break.

LAFS has also been exploring ways to turn this position into a regular fixture for the dog park as well to improve the pets’ quality of life in Burns Lake. They are now looking at advertising sign rental opportunity at the dog park which will help them cover some costs associated with the work required at the dog park.

“Don’t be afraid to make suggestions for fixtures you would like to see at the dog park! We have a Facebook page called McEwen Dog Park, and the park coordinator Lynn’s phone number is listed on the sign outside the park,” said Card, adding, “Also, although this should go without saying, please pick up after your dog! It makes my job so much easier, and will allow me to focus on making our dog park even more fun for our puppies.”

Priyanka Ketkar
Multimedia journalist

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