Lake access plan buoyed

The City of Vernon is trying to determine where the public can access Okanagan Lake long-term.

The City of Vernon is trying to determine where the public can access Okanagan Lake long-term.

Council has agreed to an update of the lake access plan.

“We need to go through this process so we can fine tune what we want to do,” said Coun. Juliette Cunningham.

The plan was developed in 2005 and of the 43 sites, a consultant recommended retaining 33 for public use and disposing of nine.

Coun. Catherine Lord is questioning why a review is needed now when only four have been developed as park.

“We haven’t done a lot about it and now we do another report?” she said.

However, Cunningham says the lack of action over the years is not the fault of city staff.

“It was the policy and direction coming from city council. We have to put the money behind it,” she said.

The plan review will cost about $20,000.

“The purpose of updating the lake access plan is to reflect the community’s desire to continue to retain, protect and improve lake access sites,” said Kendra Kryszak, parks planner, in a report.

“The plan update is intended to reprioritize improvements to the lake accesses, determine which accesses to dispose of and address any potential gaps between the current lake points. This update would also include an implementation schedule and a budget for the projects identified in the short-term.”

The review process will include information gathering, evaluating each site, prioritizing each access and submitting a draft plan to council by August.

That would then be followed by public input from September to October and then a final plan being approved by January.


Vernon Morning Star