Image: Contributed

Image: Contributed

Lake Country caregiver support group evolves

A caregiver support group has been taken under the Lake Country Health Planning Society

Lake Country residents who are caregivers are finding an increasing level of support in their community.

A support group for caregivers of those with mental illnesses started in October 2017 and has seen significant growth in the last six months.

Anywhere from four to 10 people attend the meetings which were held once a month, but has evolved into two meetings a month and the inclusion of caregivers for other health concerns. It was also recently taken under the Lake Country Heath Planning Society’s wing, said founder Holly Flinkman, whose husband has Bipolar disorder.

“It’s just made me feel so good just to be able to help people,” Flinkman said.

Flinkman said during the last meeting she attended, a caregiver told her she felt the group was a safe space to come to.

Currently, there is nothing in Lake Country that addresses the need for caregivers and the support group is filling a need, Flinkman said.

“There’s a gap of support groups, resources that are missing and a ton of people that are undiagnosed at the moment.”

The Canadian Mental Health Association does have support programs, but not long-term ones, she said.

The group meets every second and fourth Wednesday of each month from 7 to 8 p.m. at the District of Lake Country municipal hall. For more information call 778-215-5427.

Flinkman and School District 23 counsellor Devon Wolfe, who sits on the Health Steering Committee in Lake Country and Julie Wolfe, a social worker, founded the support group.

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