The District of Lake Country wants to hear from residents about proposed changes to its Parks Development Cost Charges. (File photo)

Lake Country looks at amending Parks DCCs

District would like to hear from residents about proposed changes to Parks Development Cost Charges

  • Jan. 31, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Parks, greenspace, and open areas are something residents both young and old value in Lake Country.

As the district’s population grows and multi-family housing becomes more popular, the need for more places to go to enjoy the outdoors also increases.

By definition, Development Cost Charges (DCCs) are fees collected from developers by the municipality to help fund the growth-related infrastructure and parks. It is important that the costs associated with development do not create a burden on existing taxpayers.

District of Lake Country council wants the community’s input on amendments to Park Development Cost Charges.

“The purpose of Parks DCCs is to assist the District of Lake Country to accommodate development by providing a dedicated source of funding for capital costs associated with providing and improving parks and greenspace throughout the community,” the district said in a release. “Increasing Parks DCCs is necessary due to population growth and expanded community needs.”

DCCs are charged when developers build residential, commercial or industrial developments; and when property owners subdivide their lots.

For more information on Parks DCCs and to provide feedback to council visit Let’s Talk-Lake Country by Sunday, Feb. 14.

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