Lake Country RCMP constable Brandwyn Rigby will head out on Friday on the annual Cops for Kids bike ride, a 1,000 km, 10 day trek.

Lake Country RCMP constable Brandwyn Rigby will head out on Friday on the annual Cops for Kids bike ride, a 1,000 km, 10 day trek.

Lake Country RCMP member ready to ride for Cops For Kids

Annual 1,000 kilometre, 10 day ride kicks off Friday and Brandwyn Rigby has accepted the challenge the ride will bring

Lake Country RCMP constable Brandwyn Rigby won’t call herself a cyclist.

Not yet anyway.

For that declaration she will wait until the conclusion of the 2015 Cops for Kids ride that will see a team of 30 RCMP members as well as community members, ride 1,000 kilometres over 10 days in a fundraiser that begins Friday and concludes Sunday Sept. 20, when the group will ride through Lake Country.

It’s the first time the 20-year RCMP member and Lake Country resident has taken part in the unique fundraiser and the first time in a couple of years a Lake Country member has taken part.

“I’ve watched colleagues over the years go on the ride and come back invigorated,” said Rigby this week. “It’s something I have been interested in doing and now that I am working with kids as the school resource officer, I thought this works well.”

Admittedly a non-bike rider, Rigby joked that she once fell off a stationery bike. But equipped with the new road bike she purchased to take part in the fundraiser, she has taken the opportunity to challenge herself and help raise money for charity.

“I didn’t own a road bike prior to volunteering for this so even the process of being fit for a bike had me a little bit anxious,” she said. “But I really like to volunteer and I like to do things for the community. This is something I can do and it’s really nice to see things in a positive light. Usually we are responding to people’s needs but this is something I can do that really can help bring the community together.”

Since beginning to raise funds for the ride, Rigby said she has received great support from the community, from people donating to the cause to people wishing her well on her pursuit.

“I think this can bring the community together,” she said. “People are responding to me and saying ‘go for it’ or ‘thanks for doing this,'” she said. “It gives me encouragement and shows this is a great communitiy where we live.”

Rigby admitted the lead-up to the event is looming large in her mind.

“There is a fine line between excitement and stress,” she said. “I’m really looking forward to it. The way I see it is I’m going to pay attention to the bike in front of me.”

The Cops for Kids Charitable Foundation provides limited, short-term financial assistance for children in need and their families.

All applications are reviewed for eligibility by the Cops for Kids Grants Committee which meets once a month to review all applications that have been received.

This year’s ride takes place from Sept. 11 to 20.

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