Lake Days still leaderless

Community Brief: After two weeks and two meetings, the Lake Days Society has yet to replace their executive chairperson.

When he stepped down from the six-year stint on Jan. 20, Lake Days executive chairperson Bob Day was hoping the seat would be filled before too long. Two weeks and two meetings later, the top position for the town’s annual summer celebration remains open.

Day said he decided to step down after last year’s Lake Days, due to personal reasons. As executive chairperson, Day coordinated the Lake Days volunteers and oversaw the week’s many events.

Though last Saturday’s (Jan. 31) meeting saw double the turnout, with eight people, as the Jan. 20 meeting, none of the heads present stepped up to take over the top job.

If the Lake Days Society is unable to find another volunteer to take on the position, Day speculated that a paid employee may be hired, which would likely affect the admission price to the event for both residents and visitors alike.

As of now, Lake Days is still planned to take place from June 7 to 14.

Lake Cowichan Gazette