Lake gets a clean-up

The Christina Lake Stewardship Society (CLSS) held its 16th Annual Lake Clean-Up Day on May 28.

Pictured are some of the 70 people who came out to the 16th Annual Lake Clean-Up Day.

Pictured are some of the 70 people who came out to the 16th Annual Lake Clean-Up Day.

by Heather Ling, Christina Lake Stewardship Society

The Christina Lake Stewardship Society (CLSS) held its 16th Annual Lake Clean-Up Day on May 28, and they were thrilled to see the turnout of over 70 community members including the Air Cadets and members of the Boundary Youth Soccer Association.

With garbage and recycling bags in hand, these great volunteers were sent out to clean up the streets of Christina Lake. Hundreds of pounds of garbage and recycling were taken to the dump, including weird things like a smashed cell phone, fire extinguisher and a large metal pipe.

An enormous number of cigarette butts were also found which is disturbing considering these are one of the main causes of wildfires around the province including the Rock Creek Fire.

Although lots of garbage was found, the main comment that was heard was how clean the streets were, so we commend those of you within the community that do your cleanup all year long.

Following the cleanup, a barbecue was held, and volunteers munched down on hot dogs and Freezies. During this time, the draw for great cash prizes was also held.

Our winners included Carol Rochford, Bailey Zamec, Wendy Darbyshire, Denise Freeman and Jennifer Brown for the $100 prizes; Jordan Thomasson for the $200 prize; Elyse Dyck for the $300 prize; and our grand prize winner for $500 was the young Kezia Zamec.

The event was made possible thanks to Grace McGregor, Area C director, for a grant for the purchase of a barbecue and the cash prizes, Brenda LaCroix for donating the hot dogs and other goodies, Kettle Valley Waste for transporting the garbage, and all the great volunteers!


Grand Forks Gazette