Lake students first in Drama/Science challenge

A quartet of talented students have taken first place in the Cowichan Valley School District’s 14th annual Drama/Science Challenge.

The Grade 4/5 Lake Cowichan School Drama finalists and SD79 District Champions are: from left, Elyssa Sahulka, Sydney Johnson, Olivia Youmans, Kaylen Andersson.

The Grade 4/5 Lake Cowichan School Drama finalists and SD79 District Champions are: from left, Elyssa Sahulka, Sydney Johnson, Olivia Youmans, Kaylen Andersson.

A quartet of talented students from Lake Cowichan School have taken first place in their category in the Cowichan Valley School District’s 14th annual Drama/Science Challenge.

Lake Cowichan’s Grade 4/5 Drama finalists and SD79 District Champions are Elyssa Sahulka, Sydney Johnson, Olivia Youmans, and Kaylen Andersson.

Schools around the entire Valley have been preparing over the past few weeks, rehearsing for drama and preparing science projects, and taking part in in-school competitions to determine their representatives at the big event.

Elementary classroom teachers have been busy supporting and challenging student teams for this fun learning opportunity.

At LCS, classroom challenges eventually became school challenges.

The winners of the school challenges then participated in the District challenges at the end of January.

The school’s finalists included Grade 4/5 LCS “Tower of Power” Science Finalists Daniel Ross, Tyler St. James, Noah Page, and Hunter Rowe; Grade 6/7 LCS “Tower of Power” Science Finalists Lauren Nelson, Alex Sawatzky, Lindon Sahulka, and Nick Ross; and Grade 6/7 LCS “Home Shopping Network” Drama Finalists Jenae Weir, Chelsea Martel, Sarah Brown, and James Affleck.

Lake Cowichan Gazette