Burns Lake museum hoping to put up five exhibitions this year. (Priyanka Ketkar photo/Lakes District News)

Lakes District Museum accepting exhibition proposals

Applications open until Mar. 31

  • Mar. 3, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The Lakes District Museum has put out a call for artists who want to have an exhibition at the museum.

“We developed this space for local artists, and it’s important that they use it. We have so many talented artists in this community, and we want to celebrate their efforts!” said Michael Riis-Christianson, the museum director.

The museum will be displaying works from qualifying artists in the museum gallery during the months of May to September as either a group show or a solo show.

Last year, the museum held such art galleries for the first time, after months of lobbying from artists and residents for additional exhibition space in Burns Lake.

“Last year was our first. But interest from local artists was considerable. We had two shows,” said Riis-Christianson.

READ MORE: Solo art show by Gemma Elliott at the museum in Burns Lake

The museum society completed the digitization of its archives last year, allowing it to relocate all hard-copy documentary heritage resources to a secure storage area. The project, which took 10 months, freed up an entire room on the museum’s main floor which is now being used as an art gallery.

After emptying the room of the old archives, the museum society staff and volunteers gave the room a fresh coat of paint and purchased a state-of-the-art picture hanging system with financial assistance from the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako’s arts and culture fund.

The rail hanging system allowed artists to display their artwork without damaging the room’s wall surfaces and will continue to be used this year for the art showcase.

This year, the museum society is hoping to host more artists.

For artists who don’t have enough art work for a solo show, could also submit work under one of the three themes that the museum has proposed. The 20/20 PlaygArt will feature works created during the 2020/21 COVID-19 pandemic or something that would represent the pandemic and its impact of Northwestern B.C. The “This is Me” theme will feature self portraits that represent the creators as people or artists or as a place or a thing that the artists hold dear. The third theme is the power button symbol and how the artists interpret this symbol in their works.

The deadline for sending in the applications is March 31.

“We hope that we will get enough for five exhibitions,” said Riis-Christianson.

For more information on the exhibit proposal or to get an exhibition proposal package, reach out to the museum either in person, or by calling 250-692-7450 or by sending an email to ldmuseumsociety.gmail.com

Priyanka Ketkar
Multimedia journalist


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