LDSS students at dog park 2021. (Lynn Synotte photo/Lakes District News)

Lakes District Secondary School students volunteer at dog park in Burns Lake

Last week, twelve grade 10 and 11 students from Lakes District Secondary School (LDSS), volunteered at the dog park with Mrs. Dube. "They worked really hard, we were so impressed. Even though the work was not easy and very dirty, we didn't hear one complaint and even heard some laughs. They dug around trees, lugged buckets of chips and dirt, then added chips to the wells," said Lynn Synotte. This work will mean that the grass will not grow close to the trees so lawn mowers and whipper snippers do not have to get close to the base of the trees. The chips will also help retain moisture and discourage grass and weed growth. Many trees around the dog park were planted last year and are fruit trees of apple, pear and cherry. All of them, have managed to survive the winter. (Lynn Synotte photo/Lakes District News)

  • May. 26, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Last week, twelve grade 10 and 11 students from Lakes District Secondary School (LDSS), volunteered at the dog park with Mrs. Dube. “They worked really hard, we were so impressed. Even though the work was not easy and very dirty, we didn’t hear one complaint and even heard some laughs. They dug around trees, lugged buckets of chips and dirt, then added chips to the wells,” said Lynn Synotte. This work will mean that the grass will not grow close to the trees so lawn mowers and whipper snippers do not have to get close to the base of the trees. The chips will also help retain moisture and discourage grass and weed growth. Many trees around the dog park were planted last year and are fruit trees of apple, pear and cherry. All of them, have managed to survive the winter. (Lynn Synotte photo/Lakes District News)

Burns Lake Lakes District News