Lakeside Players alive and well, look to future

“So we hear the Lakeside Players are washed up”. This statement was made to me recently in town. Please hear me roar: “the Kaatza Lakeside Players are definitely NOT washed up!” As founding member and artistic/stage director of the Kaatza Lakeside Players Society since the late 1980s please know that since last June, and shortly after the close of The Wizard of Oz, I have not been involved with the Society.

In early January it came to the attention of several members and myself that there was discussion at the board level to disband the Society. This was shocking news and certainly not an acceptable solution for ourselves or for the community. We had many questions to ask and ideas to share and so came forward to an early 2015 meeting.

I am excited to tell you that the idea to disband has been dropped and the Players are now focused on redirecting our time and energies toward a healthy and creative future of continued good theatre experiences for and by all ages in our community and surrounding areas, as we have done for the past 30 years.

With a new production planning committee in place, we have plans to be offering open auditions for another great family production (as The Wizard of Oz was) by this coming fall. Watch for more news on that very soon.

With new board President Brandon De Pol and an infusion of enthusiasm and positive ideas we are determined to be able once again to provide a theatrical outlet for all ages in and of our community.

Unfortunately there won’t be a spring 2015 production and instead we will be putting all of our efforts into rebuilding our mandate back up to its former status as well as some serious fundraising and positive marketing.

As usual, the Players continue to offer our technical support and use of our equipment for other non-profit groups’ special events. Currently, we are assisting the Lady if the Lake Society with tech for Opportunity Night and the Lady of the Lake Ball as well as the Chamber of Commerce with their upcoming Spring Fling.

So please note that the Kaatza Lakeside Players are alive and well and although the road has challenged us with some hurdles recently we are by no means finished. There are plays to enjoy, to help with, friends to share with and celebrations yet to be had on and off the stage for years to come with the Lakeside Players. We are always open to new ideas and new people to join in the fun. For more info on the Players please check us out on line. We welcome your input.

Dena McPhee lifetime member

Cowichan Valley Citizen