Lanfear Hill re-opened to traffic in Terrace

Rain and extra work delayed project completion date

  • Aug. 30, 2013 3:00 p.m.

LANFEAR Hill was open to traffic yesterday after weather and additional work pushed back an original repaving project finishing date by about a week.

Heavy rains delayed the Terrace Paving Ltd. project and more deterioration than first expected were cited as reasons for the work which took three weeks.

City works director Rob Schibli said $60,000 was added to the original $149,000 budget.

Some minor shoulder widening took place but there are no plans for a sidewalk, he said.

Due to the oversteep side slopes and suspect stability on this road a sidewalk (and road widening) will require retaining structures for much of its length and the costs would probably be in excess of $1.5 million,” said Schibli.

I look forward to the day when this road can be fully reconstructed but it is not within our means at this time.”

The city had budgeted $324,000 for both the Lanfear project and for resurfacing Skeenaview hill, also known as Kalum hill.

Works on Skeenaview hill will be reduced accordingly,” said Schibli in explaining that $60,000 will be taken from that project to pay for the extra Lanfear work.

One other major city road project, a complete reconstruction of the 4700 Block of McConnell Ave., is still underway and will be completed this fall, he said.


Terrace Standard