Langford city hall is evacuated Oct. 22 after a CO2 sensor went off. (Randi Battersby/Black Press Media)

Langford city hall is evacuated Oct. 22 after a CO2 sensor went off. (Randi Battersby/Black Press Media)

Langford city staff return to City Hall after evacuated due to high carbon monoxide levels

Langford Fire Rescue and Fortis BC deem the site safe

  • Oct. 22, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Langford City Hall was evacuated due to a carbon monoxide sensor showing high levels on Thursday.

According to Assistant Chief of Fire Prevention Lance Caven with Langford Fire Rescue, crews were called to the scene after people in the building noticed the smell of natural gas.

The second floor was evacuated. Fire crews and Fortis BC checked the levels of the other floors and found the furnace was not working correctly.

All readings went back to zero and the building was turned back to the maintenance staff.

Caven reminds people to test their carbon monoxide detectors to ensure they are in working order. If the detector does go, Caven said to call 911 as the gas is colourless and odorless.

READ ALSO: New industry develops around sucking carbon dioxide out of atmosphere


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