Langford council news in brief

Monday's meeting awarded contracts for a new rugby training facility and the West Shore Parkway project

Bylaw amendment to tidy up streets

Every year, the City of Langford gets numerous requests from utility contractors and developers for permission to work in road rights-of-way, including on landscaped boulevards. To do this, companies must obtain a permit from the City, which has numerous requirements.

However, contractors are challenging the fact that boulevard reinstatement for grass and landscaping are not clearly stipulated in the existing bylaw or the regulations.

At Monday’s meeting, council gave first reading to a bylaw amendment that would tidy up some of those stipulations, but also make sure any damage done to landscaped boulevards would be repaired, including damaged irrigation systems.

West Shore Parkway ploughs ahead

City staff also sought council’s pre-approval to award the construction contract for Segments 6, 7 and 9 of the West Shore Parkway Project to the lowest qualified bidder.

Once awarded, construction will begin on extending the roadway from the existing West Shore Parkway, at Ed Nixon Terrace, through to the existing traffic circle at Langford and West Shore parkways.

The documents for this tender are being prepared and once completed will be posted on Council granted their pre-approval to help keep this project moving along, otherwise, once the tender is closed, staff would have to wait for a following council meeting before awarding the contract.

New rugby facility in the works

A new two-storey training facility is in the works for Rugby Canada. After entering into an agreement with the Canadian government and Rugby Canada, the City of Langford will see this new facility constructed at 3017 and 3021 Glen Lake Rd. It would also be used by other local organizations.

The project took another step forward at Monday’s meeting when council awarded the architectural contract to JSA Sport Architecture  Inc. to design and oversee the construction of this new Rugby Canada training facility. This contract comes with a price tag of $150,000 plus any approved additional professional fees.

Goldstream News Gazette