Langford residents are looking at a roughly $30 increase to their taxes this year with revenues generated from non-tax sources helping to off set costs. iStock image

Langford residents are looking at a roughly $30 increase to their taxes this year with revenues generated from non-tax sources helping to off set costs. iStock image

Langford’s 2017 tax increase translates to roughly $30 per home

Major road projects and new rugby centre included as big ticket items

  • Apr. 24, 2017 8:00 p.m.

Langford taxpayers are looking at a modest property tax increase this year, with the City’s proposed five-year financial plan resulting in a roughly three-per-cent jump. That translates to a little more than $33 for the average homeowner.

“We had good economic growth last year,” said Mayor Stew Young, adding those additional revenues from streams such as development helped offset some of what could have been a roughly eight per cent budget increase for residents.

Of the tax increase, nearly two per cent is to cover the cost of adding four West Shore RCMP officers, a move committed to by the City in 2016. A smaller portion will pay for additional City staff needed for the growing municipality.

“We’ve ramped up police and fire … It’s important to have that in our community. We have a lot of families out here so we want to make sure it’s safe,” Young said.

This year’s capital budget provides for spending of nearly $45 million, with more than 99 per cent funded from non-tax sources such as contributions, grants and reserves.

Steve Ternent, Langford’s director of finance, noted those sources are mostly made up of developer contributions and provincial or federal grants. Reserves account for $5.8 million for spending, $3.9 million is coming from development cost charges, $2.2 million is donated from other sources – such as Rugby Canada – and $13.4 million is developer contributions.

More than half, or nearly 67 per cent, of that spending has been earmarked for road network improvements on West Shore Parkway, McCallum Road, Bear Mountain Parkway and the Millstream Road overpass. Combined, these components will cost $29.87 million.

Another big ticket item included in the budget is the new Rugby Canada facility that is under construction and will come with an estimated price tag of roughly $5.82 million.

“Recreation is always high on our list,” Young said. “We really like the Rugby Canada component, it adds a lot to our community.”

Young pointed to some of the newer recreation facilities in the city that have been completed. Facilities such as the Westhills YMCA-YWCA Aquatic Centre offer Langford residents a discount. When residents utilize those facilities, he noted, “the discount you get back almost covers your tax increase.”

Also on council’s radar is the need for more playing fields.

Goldstream News Gazette