Tako van Popta is the incumbent Conservative candidate running in the Langley-Aldergrove riding. (Special to Langley Advance Times)

LANGLEY-ALDERGROVE: Incumbent Tako van Popta looks to be re-elected

Each candidate was invited to provide a brief biography and answers to five key election questions

  • Sep. 17, 2021 12:00 a.m.


Age: 68

Have you held office in past? If so, please specify: Yes, Member of Parliament, Langley-Aldergrove since 2019

Bio: Tako grew up in Langley and with Inga, raised five children. They are proud grandparents of 15 grandchildren. An electrician for over 10 years, then a lawyer for 30 years, Tako understands the valuable contribution successful trades, and small businesses bring to communities.

Since 2019, Tako has stood up for better COVID benefits for businesses, freedom of speech for all, stronger borders to stop illegal firearms, and government partnership to bring SkyTrain to Langley.

“I have been honoured to serve you as your Member of Parliament. I humbly ask for your vote so that I can continue representing you in Ottawa.” ~ Tako.

Facebook: facebook.com/takovanpoptacpc

Website: electtako.ca

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqqoQ6PkIxbBY1bq5uM9j2w

Instagram : @takovanpopta

Telephone : 778-548-8685



Each candidate for the Sept. 20, 2021 federal election has been provided with these five (5) questions, along with the following instructions.

To help voters make their choice on election day, the Langley Advance Times is asking local candidates a series of questions on issues of importance.

Each question MUST be answered: yes (Y), no (N), or (D) Don’t Know. This is not meant to make things difficult. But reality is that if you’re in the House you’d have to vote yes, no, or abstain. The bonus is that each candidate can expand on ANY or ALL of our questions with answers of up to 200 words each that will appear online.

Please note, that due to space limitations, only one of your answers will be included in the print edition of the Langley Advance Times on Sept. 16. You get to pick which one. So, you must CLEARLY indicate which expanded answer you want to see published in print. If you don’t specify, we will choose.

1. Would you support a federal vehicle tax based on CO2 emissions?

van Popta: “No”

2. Does your party have a plan to fill the many staff vacancies in the RCMP?

van Popta: “Yes”

3. Would you support the federal government cancelling the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion to fight climate change?

van Popta: “No”

4. Should Ottawa provide cash incentives to parents for fully vaccinating children, including vaccination against COVID, flu, measles, etc.?

van Popta: “No”

5. Given our inability to make vaccines at the start of the pandemic, should Ottawa double its investment in research, science, and tech startups?

van Popta: “Absolutely.

We must never again be caught unprepared. To make Canada more resilient, we will reduce our reliance on foreign countries and take seriously our responsibility to protect the health of Canadians.

Canada’s Conservatives will build a domestic vaccine production facility.

Canadians are an innovative people, but all too often Canadian innovators move to the U.S. or abroad to fund their business growth. Instead of receiving incentives here, they find barriers instead.

Canada’s Conservatives will clear these barriers away, to unleash our country’s potential by investing in world-leading innovation, research and development. It’s time to make Canada the best place in the world to start – and scale – an innovative business.

How? Canada’s Conservatives will make Canada a low-tax jurisdiction for innovation and new product development, by introducing a “patent box” regime to halve the tax rate on income earned from patents on innovative products developed here.

Canada’s Conservatives will make it easier for entrepreneurs to finance an innovative business and raise the funding necessary to create well-paying jobs.

We will also create a tax credit for buying from a Canadian start-up. This credit will incentivize established Canadian companies to become first customers for our innovative companies, encouraging domestic prosperity.”


Is there more to the story? Email: news@langleyadvancetimes.com

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