Kim Richter is the Liberal candidate for Langley-Aldergrove. (Special to Langley Advance Times)

LANGLEY-ALDERGROVE: Kim Richter looks to move into federal arena

Each candidate was invited to provide a brief biography and answers to five key election questions

  • Sep. 17, 2021 12:00 a.m.


Age: 65

Have you held office in past? If so, please specify: Seven consecutive terms as a councillor on Langley Township council (1999 to present)

Bio: Since 1993, Kim Richter has been a full-time business management instructor at Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU). Kim has also been elected as a Langley Township councillor for seven consecutive terms. She became a Metro Vancouver Regional board director in 2018.

Kim has a strong track record of serving her community along with deep roots in it. She was an elected faculty governor (KPU board), LMH hospital trustee, chair (South Fraser regional health board), chair (Langley’s community health council), director (Langley Family Services), manager (Girls Soccer), and founding president (North Otter Performing Arts Association), to name just a few.

Kim has three degrees: a bachelor of art, bachelor of science and a masters in health administration from the University of Ottawa. She previously was a health care management consultant and a small business owner.

Kim and her husband, Bob, raised three amazing children in Langley Township. They have lived in Langley for 35 years.

Facebook: @kim.richter.for.langley

Twitter: @KimAnneRichter


Instagram: @Kim.Anne.Richter

Telephone : 778-979-0839



Each candidate for the Sept. 20, 2021 federal election has been provided with these five (5) questions, along with the following instructions.

To help voters make their choice on election day, the Langley Advance Times is asking local candidates a series of questions on issues of importance.

Each question MUST be answered: yes (Y), no (N), or (D) Don’t Know. This is not meant to make things difficult. But reality is that if you’re in the House you’d have to vote yes, no, or abstain. The bonus is that each candidate can expand on ANY or ALL of our questions with answers of up to 200 words each that will appear online.

Please note, that due to space limitations, only one of your answers will be included in the print edition of the Langley Advance Times on Sept. 16. You get to pick which one. So, you must CLEARLY indicate which expanded answer you want to see published in print. If you don’t specify, we will choose.

1. Would you support a federal vehicle tax based on CO2 emissions?

Richter: “Yes”

2. Does your party have a plan to fill the many staff vacancies in the RCMP?

Richter: “Don’t know”

3. Would you support the federal government cancelling the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion to fight climate change?

Richter: “Yes. The decision to purchase a pipeline was not one that I supported, but then I was not part of the federal government that made this decision, nor privy to the national perspectives and economic realities behind it.

Climate change is real. If this past summer in B.C. has not convinced you, then nothing will.

The recent IPCC Report demonstrates how climate change is accelerating faster than predicted. Urgent action is needed now to protect the future of our shared planet, our children, and our grandchildren.

We need to get off the fossil fuel diet as quickly as possible. It’s killing us.

I support rapid transit to Langley and the Fraser Valley. I also support all the key planks in the Liberal Platform for a cleaner, greener future. These include:

• Create green jobs in communities across Canada and across sectors.

• Cut pollution in heavy industry; make sure the oil and gas sector is net-zero by 2050.

• Boost clean and renewable power.

• End plastic waste by 2030.

• Protect more of our nature by creating ten new national parks.

Endorsed by former BC Green Party leader, Andrew Weaver (see, the Liberal’s Climate Action Plan is strong, realistic, and critical for the future.”

4. Should Ottawa provide cash incentives to parents for fully vaccinating children, including vaccination against COVID, flu, measles, etc.?

Richter: “No”

5. Given our inability to make vaccines at the start of the pandemic, should Ottawa double its investment in research, science, and tech startups?

Richter: “Yes”


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