Langley City Mayor Val van den Broek. (Langley Advance Times files)

Langley City mayor urges people to stick to health order rules

Stay strong and support local businesses, says van den Broek

  • Apr. 18, 2021 12:00 a.m.

In her regular video message to voters this week, Langley City Mayor Val van den Broek highlighted the strains people are under as the third wave of the pandemic has led to increased restrictions.

“I know its been especially hard the last couple of weeks with stronger province-wide restrictions,” van den Broek said.

She said that the apparently “never ending pandemic” has affected everyone, some worse than others.

She urged people to continue to following the restrictions, get vaccinated, and commit to doing what’s necessary to keeping each other safe.

“As a community, we will create tighter bonds with our family and friends, our neighbours, and even the people we pass on the street, because we know we did this for each other.”

She urged people to support local businesses by dining on patios or getting delivery or takeout.

Watch the whole message here:

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Langley Advance Times