Langley City water valve repair set for mid-March

Langley City water valve repair set for mid-March

The City will hook into the Township pipes to obtain water temporarily.

The testing is done and now the work on the Clayton-Langley water main is scheduled to start March 13.

The project is another that has been impacted by the weather.

The Metro Vancouver pressure-regulating valve project water main two-day operational field test was completed, but the repairs to a pressure valve will be delayed again due to unexpected weather conditions.

The work is expected to take four days.

During the work, the City water system will be tied into the Township’s.

The switch may stir things up in the pipes. The City recommends that if water appears cloudy or tastes differently, residents should run the taps until the water is clear.

Throughout the work the City will be doing water quality testing to ensure it’s safe to drink.

Any questions can be directed to the City’s engineering department at 604-514-2997 or

Langley Advance