Lincoln Hankey from Langley won $111,722 from the Aug. 6, 2021 Lotto Max draw. (BCLC)

Langley lotto winner to realize bucket list goal from when he was 14

Lincoln Hankey purchased the winning ticket from Walnut Grove

  • Sep. 16, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Lincoln Hankey thought it was too good to be true when he found out he won big from the Aug. 6, 2021 Lotto Max draw.

The Langley resident purchased the ticket from Walnut Grove Market on 96th Avenue and was at home when he checked his ticket on BCLC’s Lotto! app and realized he won $111,722.

“I was in my kitchen and thought nah, that’s got to be fake,” he recalled. “I told my sister and mom and they said ‘if you scanned it then it’s real!'”

The win brings Hankey one-step closer to his dream of paying off his home.

READ MORE: Trying something new pays off for Langley Lotto winner

“I’ve dreamed about paying off my house. Shocking… this will take 10 years off my mortgage.”

In addition to paying down his mortgage, Hankey looks forward to taking a trip to the Dominican, a destination on his bucket list since he was 14. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

Langley Advance Times