Design drawing of new ER. File photo

Design drawing of new ER. File photo

Langley Memorial ER campaign gets a boost from Langley Memorial Hospital Auxiliary

Volunteer group operates Penny Pincher Thrift Store

The volunteers who operate the Penny Pincher Thrift store and the hospital gift shop at Langley Memorial Hospital (LMH) have given the fundraising campaign for a new and improved ER at LMH a boost of $1.5 million.

The announcement was made Saturday.

The donation by the Langley Memorial Hospital Auxiliary brings the $15-million campaign, Emergency Response, a step closer to its goal for a new emergency department and an MRI machine.

“We are so pleased to be a part of the Emergency Response campaign in such a meaningful way,” said Thelma Boileau, president of the Langley Memorial Hospital Auxiliary.

“We love making an impact on the community and the hospital, and this donation is simply an extension of that!”

The Auxiliary’s 220 volunteers sponsor and run programs such as acute comfort care, meet and greets for visiting loved ones, pastoral care and comfort pillows.

Through the hospital gift shop and Penny Pincher Thrift Store in Langley, the auxiliary has donated more than $10 million over the past 15 years, including the $1.5 million announced Saturday.

The Auxiliary was originally created to help build the first Langley Hospital.

“Langley Memorial Hospital is 70 years old and the Auxiliary has been here fundraising every step of the way,” said Phil Jackman, campaign chair for Langley Memorial Hospital Foundation’s Emergency Response campaign.

“The commitment of time and energy this organization gives is incredible and I’m honoured to accept this incredible gift on behalf of the community.”

READ MORE: VIDEO: Fundraiser for new Langley Memorial Hospital ER opens with announcement of $7 million in donations

The auxiliary donation follows the announcement of multi-million-dollar contributions by two families.

Maria Martini and Allan Skidmore announced their families’ gifts, $5 million and $2 million respectively, at a May press conference to kick off thefundraising campaign, said to be the largest in Langley history.

READ MORE: $30 million expansion of Langley Memorial Hospital ER announced

Langley Times