MP Mark Warawa

MP Mark Warawa

Langley MP surveys on senior ministry

Respondents to a local survey want a strategy for aging

  • Nov. 17, 2016 5:00 a.m.

A survey by Langley-Aldergrove MP Mark Warawa found strong support for a seniors strategy and minister for seniors.

A seniors strategy would cover such issues as a national strategy for Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, improved palliative care, and homecare.

“A national seniors strategy becomes increasingly important as Canada’s demographics rapidly change,” said Warawa. “Right now, one in six Canadians is a senior. Within 13 years, that number will be one in four.”

Warawa is co-chair of an all-party seniors caucus in the House of Commons mandated to address the concerns of seniors across the country.

Of the 668 responses received, 94 per cent (625) stated that they are in favour of a national strategy for seniors, two per cent were opposed and four per cent were undecided.

In addition, 90 per cent stated that they are in favour of having a minister for seniors, four per cent were opposed and six per cent were undecided.


Langley Advance