Langley RCMP’s CounterAttack campaign wrapped up last week with 53 impaired driver apprehensions. (Black Press Media file)

Langley RCMP’s CounterAttack campaign wrapped up last week with 53 impaired driver apprehensions. (Black Press Media file)

Langley RCMP apprehended 53 impaired drivers during CounterAttack campaign last December

Fines, fees and penalties from Nov. 31 to Jan. 1 totaled $40,000

  • Jan. 7, 2020 12:00 a.m.

With the 2019 holiday season marked down in the history books, Langley RCMP wrapped up their annual CounterAttack campaign, and said there was not one fatal collision.

The yearly blitz marks a crackdown on impaired drivers that so often increase as the month of December rolls around.

Cpl. Holly Largy, spokesperson for the Langley RCMP, said local efforts proved to be beneficial seeing as how there were no serious injuries or fatalities.

In total, between Nov. 29 and Jan. 1, there were 53 impaired drivers apprehended in the Langley area.

– Three Criminal Code Impaired Drivers (alcohol)

– Three Criminal Code Impaired Drivers (drugs)

– 21 90-day Immediate Roadside Prohibitions

– One 30-day Immediate Roadside Prohibition

– 11 three-day Immediate Roadside Prohibitions

– Nine 24-hr suspensions (alcohol)

– Five 24-hr suspensions (drugs)

Other violations include, 97 speeding tickets, 63 intersection relation violations, 19 moving violations such as driving without care, 27 administrative violations, 42 non-moving violations, four seat belt violations, and 42 cell phone tickets.

READ MORE: Langley RCMP report typical Christmas calls

In total, Cpl. Largy said fines, fees and penalties from that month totaled $40,000.

Langley RCMP thanked the vast majority of motorists who followed the rules of the road and chose not to drive while impaired during the holidays.


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