Langley RCMP officer receives award of valour

Cpl. Joel Glen apprehended a distraught suspect despite having knife thrown at him

Facing down armed robbers, rescuing a child from a hostage situation and dodging flying knives are all in a day’s work for some of the 60 B.C. police officers, including one from Langley, who were honoured at Government House on Friday night.

Lieut. Governor Judith Guichon and Shirley Bond, Minister of Justice and Attorney General, presented the awards to outstanding officers in a ceremony marking B.C.’s 32nd annual Police Honours Night.

One of the award recipients includes Langley RCMP Cpl. Joel Glen, who despite having a large butcher knife thrown at him, safely apprehended a distraught suspect.

Glen was given the award of valour for his brave actions.

He is no longer in Langley and has moved to the ISPOT (Integrated Sexual Predator Observation Team) division of the RCMP.

Langley Times