Langley School District gets a chunk of change for boiler replacement

Langley will get $180,000 for boiler replacement out of a $5 million green fund.

Twenty-four B.C. school districts are sharing $5 million for energy projects like lighting upgrades, boiler replacements, solar panels and electric vehicles under the Carbon Neutral Capital Program (CNCP).

“School districts and other sectors continue to submit innovative proposals for green projects, which further supports B.C.’s carbon neutral mandate and helps us continue as a world leader to reduce emissions. By investing in these projects, school districts will reduce energy use and the money saved can be redirected to  district priorities,” said Langley MLA Mary Polak, who is also the environment minister.

All school districts were asked to submit proposals to the Ministry of Education in November.

These were then evaluated on greenhouse gas emission reductions and operational cost savings, along with the level of contributions available for the project from  the district and energy service partners.

Overall, 25 projects were given the green light to move forward.

Since the program began in 2012, school districts now achieve annual savings of more than $1.2 million in school and vehicle operating costs as well as a reduction  of 4,000 tonnes in carbon dioxide emissions as a direct result of the projects.

Langley Advance