Langley Township wants to hear from residents on pipeline twinning

A request for more information will be submitted to the National Energy Board on Jan. 9.

  • Dec. 22, 2014 7:00 p.m.

The Township of Langley is preparing to seek more answers about the Kinder Morgan pipeline project, and is encouraging residents who have an opinion on the project to voice their concerns.

The Township has been granted corporate intervener status in the National Energy Board’s hearing on the proposal to twin the Trans Mountain Pipeline, which runs through north Langley.

The municipality remains focused on several fundamental issues, including:

1. The potential environmental and socio-economic effects of the proposed project;

2. The suitability of the design and location of the proposed project;

3. Potential impacts of the project on landowners and land use;

4. The cost to taxpayers related to the installation and long-term operation of the pipeline;

5. Kinder Morgan’s co-operation in adhering to municipal bylaws and policies; and

6. Kinder Morgan’s accountability in adequately responding in case of an incident.

The Township will submit a request for more information to the National Energy Board by Jan. 9, 2015. Residents with relevant information regarding these issues must send their submissions to the Township before then.

Email or mail or deliver submissions to: Pipeline Input, c/o Township of Langley Engineering Division, 4700 – 224 Street, Langley, BC V2Z 1N4

This is the second round of public input that has been sought by the Township for submission to the National Energy Board.

In the summer, Kinder Morgan revised its corridor alignment to run through or around Redwoods Golf Course and through the industrial part of North West Langley toward Port Kells. While Kinder Morgan has responded to Township questions, more detailed responses are being sought.

For more information, contact the Township’s Engineering Division at or visit

Langley Times