Marko Zolotarov, a Trinity Western University student from the Ukraine, spoke about his experience of the war shortly after he returned to Canada. The Langley university has raised $136,772 to expand scholarships and aid for TWU students whose lives have been disrupted by war and global conflicts (TWU video by student Michael Ezinga)

Marko Zolotarov, a Trinity Western University student from the Ukraine, spoke about his experience of the war shortly after he returned to Canada. The Langley university has raised $136,772 to expand scholarships and aid for TWU students whose lives have been disrupted by war and global conflicts (TWU video by student Michael Ezinga)

Langley’s Trinity Western University raises $137,000 to assist students displaced by war and global conflicts

‘Prayers work. Prayers are powerful’ student from Ukraine says

As of the end of April, Langley’s Trinity Western University (TWU) had raised $137,000 with its very first “Day of Giving” fundraiser, money that will expand scholarships and aid for TWU students whose lives have been disrupted by war and global conflicts like the war in Ukraine.

Donations to the April 20 event helped to increase the Scholarship for Displaced Persons, which exists to assist students who have been displaced from their homes and countries.

For Marko Zolotarov, a first-year Trinity Western student from Ukraine, the issue is deeply personal.

“Hearing about daily explosions, daily missile hits, which ruin cities, which ruin buildings, which kill people who you potentially know is incredibly hurting,” said Zolotarov, who was in his home country when war first broke out.

When his family was forced to leave their home, “that’s when it definitely hit me,” he recalled.

“The realization that we are at war, this is serious.”

READ ALSO: Ukrainians fleeing to B.C. will receive immediate health coverage

“I strongly pray that we as a nation [and] me personally, we get from this hatred, to love, [from] this pain to forgiveness,” Zolotarov went on to say.

He expressed gratitude to the people at TWU who have reached out to help.

“That means a lot to me, and my family, and the people of Ukraine.”

“Pray often, pray regularly,” Zolotarov recommended. “Prayers work. Prayers are powerful .”

READ ALSO: A home-made lunch at Langley church raises more than $47,000 for Ukraine relief

TWU president Mark Husbands said the university was “deeply encouraged by the way the TWU community came together to celebrate, inspire, and mobilize generosity. We believe every gift is an act of worship, and we are grateful for everyone who participated in this stewardship opportunity.”

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