Late season forest fire near Candle Creek ski trails

Blaze seems to have been smouldering in the duff for one or two weeks

Fire chief Mike Smith wets down a hot spot.

Fire chief Mike Smith wets down a hot spot.

Clearwater fire chief Mike Smith uses a light econo-line hose as he wets down a small forest fire near the Candle Creek cross-country ski trails on Friday, Oct. 31. With him is Lee Thorpe and behind him is Dan Daase.

Cause of the fire has not been determined but is believed to be human-related.

A thick canopy kept the duff on the forest floor dry despite recent rainfall. The fire was less than 100 m east of the ski trail parking lot.

Area residents report smelling smoke for a week to 10 days before calling first BC Forest Service and then the fire department.



Clearwater Times