Jayson Gilbert, 25, charged with one count of first degree murder of Branton Regner, one count of attempted murder and one count of kidnapping appeared by video in Williams Lake Provincial Court Wednesday. Facebook photo

Jayson Gilbert, 25, charged with one count of first degree murder of Branton Regner, one count of attempted murder and one count of kidnapping appeared by video in Williams Lake Provincial Court Wednesday. Facebook photo

Lawyers prepare for bail hearing for Williams Lake first degree murder suspect

Jayson Gilbert, 25, remains in custody

One of two men charged with the murder of Branton Regner appeared in Williams Lake Provincial Court Wednesday, Oct. 23 to consult with counsel.

Jayson Gilbert, 25, appeared by video in the morning from Prince George Regional Correctional Centre where he remains in custody.

At the request of his defence lawyer Paul McMurray, who is waiting for disclosure of information from the Crown, Gilbert’s case was adjourned until Wednesday, Nov. 6.

McMurray said Gilbert is also scheduled for a bail hearing in Supreme Court next week.

A publication ban is in place that prevents media from reporting on any evidence presented in court about the case.

On Sept. 18, 2019, Gilbert along with co-accused Michael Drynock 23, were charged with one count of first degree murder, one count of attempted murder and one count of kidnapping each.

The charges were laid after Regner was identified as the body discovered in the Fraser River near the Sheep Creek Bridge by a fisherman on Aug. 27.

Read more: RCMP recover body from Fraser River near Sheep Creek Bridge

Regner, 34, was first reported missing following an incident on the Rudy Johnson Bridge on Friday, Aug. 9 2019, which also led to two counts of attempted murder and kidnapping being laid against Gilbert and Drydock.

The Rudy Johnson incident is believed to be connected to the murder of Richard ‘Savage’ Duncan who was shot in his driveway in Williams Lake on Aug. 6, 2019 and died in hospital.

Read more: Links probable between homicide, missing persons investigation in Williams Lake

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