LDAC presents paintings from Albert Gerow and more

LDAC's second virtual concert and art show released

  • Mar. 2, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Dugout Canoe - Carrier Language “ts’iyaz”. Mixed Media, pencil crayon and ink, approximate dimensions 9” x 12”. (Albert Gerow/LDAC/Lakes District News)

2021’s second virtual performance and Off The Wall Art Show from Lakes District Arts Council (LDAC) features paintings by Burns Lake local Albert Gerow and music by the guitar ensemble Montreal Guitar Trio.

Gerow was born in Burns Lake in 1958. He is a Carrier First Nations member of the Burns Lake Band (Ts’il Kaz Koh First Nation).

As a young boy Gerow loved to dance. He and his best friend would tap dance for their parents. To show their ability, each would stand on top of a stool and tap dance. In high school he loved to dance the twist, the jive, the bump, and of course ‘YMCA’. His cousin Jim Gerow gave him the nickname “Crazy Legs”.

Gerow graduated from Lakes District Secondary School, trained as an RCMP special constable, and has a diploma in Business Administration from the University of Victoria. He has completed courses in Environmental Management Systems and Work Safe BC Occupational Health and Safety.

Since childhood Gerow enjoyed art courses in school. He chose not to pursue art as a career, because the forest industry was vibrant with employment. As time went on he was drawn back to pencil and paper and the desire to learn more about his ancestral roots. The rest, as they say, is history.

Since 1986 Gerow has gained local, regional and international recognition with his Native art. He was accepted for a show at the Northwestern National Exhibition Centre in Ksan Village, Hazelton. He was runner up in the regional 1990 Provincial Ducks Unlimited Contest. He was one of ten successful entrants out of 175 entries for Arts Fest ’91 in Prince George, and won an Honorable Mention in the Arts Fest juried contest. The District of Vanderhoof selected Albert’s Canada Geese design for their street banners. In 1998 Albert traveled with the Honorable Jean Chretien, Prime Minister of Canada, on a Latin America trade mission. The mission travelled to Mexico City; Brasilia and Sao Paulo, Brazil; Buenos Aries, Argentina; and Santiago, Chile.

The second act of the virtual show is the concert video of the Montreal Guitar Trio (MG3). For over twenty years, the trio’s virtuosity has won them fans across the country. Sébastien Dufour, Glenn Lévesque and Marc Morin have given hundreds of concerts in prestigious venues across North America and around the world.

“As we mentioned in the video, it was a very special moment for us to record this session. After many months without playing or even seeing each other, it felt good to finally get together and do what we love most: playing live music. Burns Lake is fondly remembered. Rarely does a touring company get treated so well. I am optimistic that things will soon improve and that the touring situation will finally resume in 2022. So, we are really looking forward to returning to Burns Lake next year! Please stay safe, healthy and in good spirits,” said Sébastien, Marc & Glenn, MG3.

The LDAC is hoping to welcome the trio back to Burns Lake for a third time in 2022.

And while we wait with virtual fingers crossed to see MG3 in Burns Lake in 2022, you can enjoy the recorded performance of MG3’s ‘Winter’s Threshold’ by going to this link – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZ28O7GbQ0w

Next month’s show coming around the end of March, featuring the artwork of Kerwin Vanderwolf and music by members of The Wardens.

John and Sandra for the LDAC group of volunteers

Burns Lake Lakes District News


Cougar is believed to have powerful hunting medicine, and considered one of the six true directional guardians (north, west, south, east, sky, and earth). Cougar is associated with the north and the colour yellow. (Albert Gerow/LDAC/Lakes District News)

Grizzly Bear (referred to in Carrier as Great Grand Father/Mother) is the protector of the animal kingdom, awakening the power of the unconscious. A symbol of strength, authority and mobility, with its power and human-like qualities, the bear was referred to by West Coast people as Elder Kinsmen. (Albert Gerow/LDAC/Lakes District News)

Totem poles are monuments created by First Nations of the Pacific Northwest to represent and commemorate ancestry, histories, people or events. Totem poles display beings or crest animals, marking a family’s lineage and validating the powerful rights and privileges of that family. (Albert Gerow/LDAC/Lakes District News)

(Albert Gerow/LDAC/Lakes District News)

Albert Gerow. (Submitted/Lakes District News)

A symbol of good luck and good fortune, the hummingbird is considered a positive sign prior to going hunting, fishing or traveling to another village. They are hard workers and fiercely independent. They teach us to find joy in living from our own life circumstances. (Albert Gerow/LDAC/Lakes District News)

Canada geese are often heard before they are seen. They are a reminder that the season is about to change, either to summer or winter. Their sight, like their sound, is amazing, flying in a “V” formation to conserve energy for their long distance flight. (Albert Gerow/LDAC/Lakes District News)

A gaggle of geese, acrylic on canvas. (Albert Gerow/LDAC/Lakes District News)

“My first carving of a “moon mask” carved out of birch wood, approximate diameter 14”. The Moon lightens the darkness of the night. Raven is said to have freed the sun and the moon, which were being held captive by evil spirits,” says Gerow. (Albert Gerow/LDAC/Lakes District News)

MG3. (Submitted/Lakes District News)