Leaky septic systems addressed by plan

Shawnigan Lake – John Brackenbury’s letter in the July 15 edition of your paper shows just how foolish the uniformed can sound.

The issue of sewage leakage from Shawnigan Lake homes is being addressed in the formation of a South Sector Liquid Waste Plan. Shawnigan Lake has numerous homes and summer cabins that need their sewage upgraded and hopefully that can happen soon. It is reparable.

Shawnigan residents have heard comments like, you have leaky septic systems, you have boats on the lake and even, you have roads around the lake. These are all true, but the difference between these and SIA’s contaminated site is the fact that leaking hazardous contaminants from five million tons of contaminated soil CANNOT be rectified. The others can.

The sewage problem is being addressed and boats and roads are other issues that can be dealt with.

Thank goodness we have the Shawnigan Residents Association and 8,000 Shawnigan residents fighting SIA’s dump. We are galvanized as a community over this issue and when we win this war we will then have the time and the momentum to address the other issues, good and bad, that affect Shawnigan Lake.

Bruce Stevens Shawnigan Lake

Cowichan Valley Citizen